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Successes of Turkmen athletes for 10 months of 2019

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers (15.11.2019) where outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for the past ten months, drafts State budget and number of other documents have been reviewed.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision in January – October 2019 and noted that the reforms in education, science and health protection spheres are continued.

Having successfully performed at international project and discipline contests, school students won 140 medals including 37 gold, 31 silver and 72 bronze medals. University students representing Turkmenistan in international discipline contests have won 36 medals (9 gold, 11 silver and 16 bronze medals).

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier informed about fulfilment of scientific works in scientific and research institutes and high educational institutes of the country. reforms in the sphere of national health protection sphere are continued. Active work under cooperation with international organizations in this direction is carried out.

Big work for development of physical culture and sports, Olympic movement, expansion of fruitful partnership in this sphere is carried out. Preparation of the World Sambo Championship, World Track Cycling and Asian Futsal Championship in Turkmenistan is continued.

National team continues training in the context of preparation to XXXII Summer Olympic Games, which are to be held in Tokyo in 2020.

136 local competition and 87 mass sport events have been held in the country for the period under review. Our sportsmen took part in 161 international competitions specifically in 28 World Championships, 35 Asian Championships, 98 other tournaments, having won totally 258 medals (85 gold, 85 silver and 88 bronze medals).

Summing up the information, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed his discontent with low level of involvement of infrastructure of sport sphere and use of experience of conducting of Asian Games.

Having focused on low rates of digitization process in the structures of the Vice-premier’s supervision, the Head of the State ordered to continue work on modernization of equipment and facility, scientific and methodological base of all level of education, health protection and sports.