18/04/2023 Regulations on extracurricular physical education and health activities in educational... Regulations on extracurricular mass sports, physical education and health activities in educational institutions of the Ministry of Education...
10/08/2022 Procedure for admitting children to the sports boarding schools for... Procedure for admitting children to the sports boarding schools for young Olympians...
10/08/2022 Procedure and conditions for granting professional degrees to the physical... Procedure and conditions for granting professional degrees to the physical education and sports specialists
07/06/2022 Form and procedure for admission of entrants to additional educational... Form and procedure for admission of entrants to additional educational programmes in the field of physical education and...
14/01/2022 The 2021–2025 Programme for the Support and Development of Physical... The 2021–2025 Programme for the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Turkmenistan and the Action...
At the initiative of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. A. Nyyazow, an informatics olympiad was held among 11th–12th grade students of secondary schools.