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International exhibition and science conference «Education and sport in the epoch of might and happiness»

International exhibition and scientific conference dedicated to education and sport spheres have started (14.11.2019) in Turkmen capital.

More than 50 famous foreign companies from China, Russia, USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Japan. Romania, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iran, Spain, Portugal, Singapore, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, which deal with production of computer, multimedia equipment, school furniture, education and training guides, laboratory equipment, sport accessories, software development, take part in the forum.

Representative event has also brought together around 120 representatives of ministries, leading educational and sport organizations, international institutes, competent universities, doctors of sciences and professors.

Demonstration displays of the Ministry of education and universities of our country are provided with latest equipment. They present modern methodological and training guides. High educational institutes also presents programmes for applicants, student demonstrate their developments while teachers consult on advanced educational methods.

This year, the emphasis has been laid on application of latest technologies and realization of the trends of digitization in educational sphere. Exhibition hall look like offices of the future sending the guest to future sciences.

Production of such companies as Microsoft, Lenovo, Huawey, Sony, ACER, DELL, Samsung, Apple is among high technological equipment presented at the exhibition. Local profile institutes of the Academy of sciences, the Institute of Chemistry and other scientific organization presented their develop at the exhibition.

Exposition of the Ministry of Education demonstrates methodological developments, educational literature, furniture and playrooms.

Sports is another component of the exhibition, which harmonically supplement the education theme. Being a basis of human capital, health protection is rest on support of healthy life style, habit to which is put in young age.

Various infrastructural projects, achievements of Turkmen sportsmen were presented to the guests in the context of the country’s preparation to the World Sambo Championship in 2020 and the World Track cycling in 2021. National sport federation demonstrate new sports for our country like curling and petanque.

Sport fashion has been reflected in the demonstration of sport outfit of Turkmen national team at coming Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 developed by the Ministry of Textile Industry.

Sport exposition presents national and foreign organizations as well as producers of special equipment, accessories and outfit.

Conference dedicated to development of cooperation of education and sport spheres has started in the afternoon. Priority directions of scientific and educational policy, digitization, innovations and other were among discussed subjects.

During the forum, representatives of foreign delegation will visit high educational institutes of our country, give lectures in Magtumguly Turkmen State University, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, Turkemn State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technologies and Intenrational University of Humanitarian Studies and Development.