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The Turkmenabat Open Women's Volleyball Championship was held at the Multipurpose Sports Complex in Turkmenabat, Lebap Velayat. The tournament was organized within the framework of the Joint Programme of the United Nations and the government of Turkmenistan ‘Empowering and Engaging the Youth to Mitigate the Multi-Dimensional Threats of the Global Pandemic’. Representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Turkmenistan and the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan attended the Championship.

The competition between women's teams of the city of Turkmenabat, Charjev, Danev, Sayat and Kerki Etraps was held in a friendly atmosphere. The tournament, held within the framework of the Joint Programme, reflected the concern of the President of Turkmenistan to strengthen the health of the population through the development of physical culture and sports in the country, to combat harmful habits, and to educate the younger generations to love sports and respect honest labour.

The first team of the city of Turkmenabat won the first place at the Championship. The team of Charjev Etrap took the second place, while the team of Kerki Etrap entered the top three. The winners of the tournament were awarded gifts and letters of honour from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Turkmenistan and the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan.



the Head at the Physical Culture and Mass Sports Department,

the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan.