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A farewell ceremony for athletes to the 2024 Olympic Games took place in Ashgabat

Today at the Martial Arts Sports Complex of the capital's Olympic village celebrations were held to mark the farewell of the National team of Turkmenistan to the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held from July 26 to August 11 in Paris, France, the TDH reports.

Numerous representatives of the general sports community – the heads of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, the National Olympic and Paralympic Committees of Turkmenistan, sports federations, public organizations, university students – greeted the Turkmen Olympic delegation with thunderous applause. It included 19 people, including 6 athletes who will perform in four sports – judo, weightlifting, swimming and athletics.

Those gathered listened with great attention to the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed to the Turkmen athletes participating in the Paris 2024 Olympics. Having cordially congratulated the athletes on their participation in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, the head of state expressed confidence that they would raise the National Flag of Turkmenistan high at the upcoming world sports festival.

Several athletes who have achieved high results are vying for awards, including Serdar Rahimov, a student at the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering. On the way to the coveted Olympic berth the 20-year-old judoka from Khojambaz has won six medals over the past two years at major international competitions, including the first gold medal in the history of Turkmenistan in the weight category 66 kg at the prestigious World Grand Slam tournament in Tajikistan – Dushanbe Grand Slam 2024, which in its status is second only to the Olympic Games and the World Championship.

No less hopes for a successful performance as part of the Olympic team rest on another representative of judo – a student of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports Maysa Pardayeva. In the Olympic qualifying round this 19-year-old talented athlete from the Koytendag district of Lebap region won 7 medals in the weight category 57 kg at representative international competitions, including bronze at the 19th Summer Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, and the Grand Slam tournament in Turkey – Antalya Grand Slam 2024.

The holder of another Olympic license a 23-year-old master of sports in weightlifting from the Akdepe district of Dashoguz region Davranbek Hasanbayev made his way to the Olympics at the 2024 World Cup in Phuket (Thailand), where he won gold in the snatch and in the sum of two exercises improved his position in the world ranking by 18 points, entering the TOP 10 weightlifters in the weight category 102 kg, which gave him the right to compete at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Turkmen Olympic team also includes swimmers Musa Zhalayev (100 meters freestyle), Aynura Primova (100 meters backstroke) and athlete Valentina Meredova (100 meters).

The refereeing corps of Turkmenistan at the 2024 Olympics in the weightlifting tournament will be represented by the Secretary General of the Weightlifting Federation of Turkmenistan, international category judge Charygeldi Mamedov.

On July 23, members of the National team of Turkmenistan will depart from the capital's International Airport to participate in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held from July 26 to August 11 this year in the capital of the French Republic – the city of Paris.