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How many billions can the Paris Olympics generate?

Paris expects the Olympic Games 2024 to generate between EUR 6.7 and 11.1 billion in net economic benefits. RIA Novosti reports referring to the official website of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

According to independent research published by the Centre for Sports Economics and Law, the Games will attract between 2.3 and 3.1 million people to the region, 64% of whom are French. An estimated EUR 2.6 billion will be spent by guests. EUR 7 billion should come from the sale of media rights, sponsorships, tickets and long-term infrastructure projects, as well as from the IOC. France will invest EUR 3 billion mainly in projects that will address long-term needs of local communities.

Each euro of government expenditure is expected to generate EUR 3 in profit. 80% of the public investment will go to one of the poorest departments in France – Seine-Saint-Denis. The Olympic Village featuring 2,800 housing units and 2 schools will be built there, from which 6,000 residents will benefit after the Games.