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A joint conference

The preparation for the 2023 World Kurash Wrestling Championship to be held on November 23–28 is underway at a high level. Turkmenistan is recognized as a country that has rich experience in this area and demonstrates excellent organization of large sports events and tournaments. The prestige of our Motherland as a sports power is enhanced by the achievements of the Turkmen athletes at international and world tournaments.

A joint conference has been recently held in the office building of the State Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan. The event was organized by the representatives of the Executive Committee of the 2023 World Kurash Wrestling Championship. During the meeting, its participants discussed preparation for the upcoming Championship, accommodation of foreign athletes and coaches, hospitality during the tournament, and creation of excellent training conditions for the competitors. Moreover, the mass media coverage of the tournament, which will be held at the Martial Arts Sports Complex of the Olympic Village in Ashgabat, the work of special teams of interpreters, translators and volunteers to support the foreign delegations participating in the competition, the access to Internet services for all participants of the Championship and other organizational issues were considered at the conference. It should be noted that over 60 national teams took part in the 2022 World Kurash Wrestling Championship, which was held in Pune (India). Representatives of the national team of Turkmenistan won different medals at that tournament. We wish our wrestlers good results and success at the World Championship, which will be held in the beautiful capital of Turkmenistan.


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