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The UN General Assembly, on the initiative of Turkmenistan, adopted a Resolution on the United Nations Friendship Games

Good news came on the eve of the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence from the United Nations headquarters in New York. On September 6, during the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, on the initiative of our country and with the unanimous support of the member states of the Community of Nations the Resolution United Nations Friendship Games was adopted.

The great significance of this international document, which is relevant for all mankind, is evidenced by the fact that 87 countries co-authored it. This is further evidence that the peaceful foreign policy and sports diplomacy of our Fatherland, based on the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, now successfully continuing in the comprehensive strategy implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov are supported by the entire world community.

The adoption of this important document is a high assessment in the international arena of Turkmenistan's activities in the field of sports development – one of the priority areas of state policy successfully implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Turkmenistan not only actively participates in major international competitions but has also become the center of major regional and world competitions.

The successes of Turkmen athletes in international competitions are a clear confirmation of the effectiveness of the work carried out in this area. All this contributes to the constant increase in the authority of Turkmenistan as a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, as well as a world-class sports power.

With its Resolution the UN General Assembly welcomed and supported the enormous work that is being carried out in Turkmenistan to develop the sports and physical culture and health movement, cooperation in this area between states and peoples.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, Turkmenistan is interested in further developing fruitful relations with the United Nations. Our country, which plays an important role in developing mutually agreed solutions to important issues on the regional and global agenda, strives to realize its creative potential for the benefit of all mankind.

Thus, the adoption of this Resolution by the UN General Assembly became another recognition of the international authority of an independent neutral Motherland. This is a clear expression of the effectiveness of the far-sighted foreign policy implemented under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.