13/01/2022 Turkmen club football returns to AFC Champions League After 19 years, the Turkmen football club will again take part in the AFC Champions League. For the...
26/12/2021 FC Ashgabat wins Turkmenistan Futsal Club Cup The Turkmenistan Women’s Futsal Club Cup ended in the victory of FC Ashgabat
05/11/2021 Two goals of Altyn asyr The first rounds of the Turkmenistan Football Championships were held. Obviosuly, the third round of the season is...
04/11/2021 Champions lose again Altyn asyr hosted Shagadam in the match of the 3rd round of the 2021 Turkmenistan Championships.The match was...
04/11/2021 The Turkmen football players for the first time advanced to... The football players of the youth team of Turkmenistan (under 23) for the first time advanced to the...
04/11/2021 «Ahal» defeats «Altyn asyr» in second round match On October 29, 2021, the matches of the 2nd round of the Turkmenistan football championships among the Premier...
04/11/2021 «Altyn asyr» seized the leadership in the football championship of... The footballers of Ashgabat «Altyn asyr» took the lead in the championship of Turkmenistan, confidently beating Mary «Energetik»...
05/07/2019 Sport: Gylyçlaşmak | Halkara gylyçlaşmak federasiýasynyň çagyrmagynda geçirilýän OTÝ Geçirilýän ýeri: Budapeşt, Wengriýa
05/07/2019 Sport: Dzýudo we ýeňil atletika | Okuw-türgenleşik ýygnanyşyk Geçirilýän ýeri: Tendo, Ýaponiýa
05/07/2019 Sport: Kik-boks | 2002-2003 we 2004-2005-nji ýylda doglan ýaş oglan-gyzlaryň... Geçirilýän ýeri: Aşgabat şäheri
05/07/2019 Sport: Taýboks | Okuw-türgenleşik ýygnanyşygy Geçirilýän ýeri: Gökdere jülgesi "Beýik serdar nesilleri"
06/07/2019 Sport: Erkin göreş | Ýetginjekleriň arasynda Aziýa çempionaty Geçirilýän ýeri: Nur-Sultan, Gazagystan
05/07/2019 Talyplaryň arasynda tomusky XXX Bütindünýa Uniwersiadasy Talyplaryň arasynda tomusky XXX Bütindünýa Uniwersiadasy