07/08/2019 Sports festival gives children unforgettable impressions These summer days at the height of school holidays are full of interesting cultural, educational and sporting events...
06/08/2019 2020 Olympic Torch Relay begins in Fukushima and passes through... The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee has unveiled the Olympic Torch Relay route.
06/08/2019 Gokdere Cup tournament The Gokdere Cup tournament under the motto “Berkarar Dowletin Sagdyn Nesilleri Biz!” took place at the Yaslyk children’s...
05/08/2019 Turkmen athletes to perform at the First CIS Games The first ever Sports Games of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) will be held in Kazan in...
04/08/2019 New sports included on Paris 2024 Olympic sports programme The 134th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took the decision on the inclusion of new sports...
01/08/2019 Ashgabat prepares to the World Sambo and Track Cycling Championships 31.07.2019. These days, our country prepares to host 2020 World Sambo Championship and 2021 World Track Cycling Championship....
31/07/2019 TRIUMPH OF SPORTS COOPERATION To date, the national sports take confident steps towards huge success at the Olympic Games thanks to comprehensive...
31/07/2019 Opponents of Turkmen futsal players in qualification round of 2020... National Iran and Kyrgyz Republic teams are the opponents of Turkmenistan by the results of the drawing of...
30/07/2019 Turkmen judo wrestler is a bronze winner of Asian and... Cadet Asia and Oceania Judo Championship is held tin Taipei (China) these days. 176 sportsmen from19 countries participate...
11/07/2019 Turkmen wrestlers win gold and silver medals att eh tournament... Representative international free style wrestling tournament Spanish Grand Prix was held in Madrid on July 5 – 8....
11/07/2019 First day of track and field tournament in Almaty brings... International Gusman Kosanov Memorial Track and Field Tournament, which is held for 29 times already, has started in...
05/07/2019 Sport: Gylyçlaşmak | Halkara gylyçlaşmak federasiýasynyň çagyrmagynda geçirilýän OTÝ Geçirilýän ýeri: Budapeşt, Wengriýa
05/07/2019 Sport: Dzýudo we ýeňil atletika | Okuw-türgenleşik ýygnanyşyk Geçirilýän ýeri: Tendo, Ýaponiýa
05/07/2019 Sport: Kik-boks | 2002-2003 we 2004-2005-nji ýylda doglan ýaş oglan-gyzlaryň... Geçirilýän ýeri: Aşgabat şäheri
05/07/2019 Sport: Taýboks | Okuw-türgenleşik ýygnanyşygy Geçirilýän ýeri: Gökdere jülgesi "Beýik serdar nesilleri"
06/07/2019 Sport: Erkin göreş | Ýetginjekleriň arasynda Aziýa çempionaty Geçirilýän ýeri: Nur-Sultan, Gazagystan
05/07/2019 Talyplaryň arasynda tomusky XXX Bütindünýa Uniwersiadasy Talyplaryň arasynda tomusky XXX Bütindünýa Uniwersiadasy
05/07/2019 Ýurdumyzyň sport ulgamynyň usulyýetçileri, instruktor-metodistleri özleriniň tejribelerini baýlaşdyrdylar Türkmenistanyň Sport we ýaşlar syýasaty ministrligi ýurdumyzyň sport mekdepleriniň iş dolandyryş resminamalaryny talaba laýyk alyp barmak hem-de okuw-türgenleşik...